Problematic Skin? – healiving

Problematic Skin?

Your Ideal and Effective Solution to Relieve Dermatitis with ZemaGuard

Dermatitis refers to inflammation occurs on skin’s upper layer generally caused by genetics, overactive immunity, allergies and irritating substances.

ZemaGuard is a perfect multifunctional combination serum to alleviate inflammation & infuse skin with essential moisture to refine, smooth and allay sings of dryness

ZemaGuard is made with a proprietary blend composed of

  • 7 kinds of natural plant extracts : Tea, Chamomile, Centella, Rosemary, Skullcap, Licorice and Japanese Knotweed of natural plant extracts that exerts antioxidative, aniti inflammatory and immunomodulatory effects simultaneously to reduce extreme irritation.
  • Pentavitin:  A saccharide isomerate that is 100% natural and plant derived that connects perfectly wit the skin’s surface layer and does not easily wash off , locking in moisture like a magnet and providing deep hydration for up to 72 hours to all facial areas.
  • Witch Hazel: Contains of tannin, gallic acid, catechins and proanthocyanins, A great pain soother, reducing swelling an decreasing inflammation caused by sunburn, as well as conditioning and moisturizing the skin
  • Hyaluronic Acid: A glycosaminoglycan constituted from two disaccharides with the primary function to moisturize important areas like skin, eye and joints.
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